We Open in One Week!

It's hard to believe this time is finally here.  Though next week's performance is not the end of The Flint Project, it is the end of this phase, and I'm so excited to share this work with audiences here in Iowa City!

The work that grew out of The Flint Project is an hour long concert dance piece titled Spark and Ruin: a Story of Re-beginning.  It will premiere alongside the thesis project of another UIowa Dance grad student, Paula Lamamié de Clairac.  

Here are all the details:

Moving Fire and Water

A UIowa Dance MFA Thesis Concert Featuring the Work of Alex Bush and Paula Lamamié de Clairac

Thursday, April 2 | Friday, April 3 | Saturday, April 4

8:00 pm @ Space Place Theater, North Hall, the University of Iowa (Iowa City, IA)

Tickets: $12 / $6 for Youth, College Students, & Seniors / Free for UI Students (with valid ID)

To purchase tickets in advance, visit hancher.uiowa.edu/tickets or call 1.800.HANCHER or 319.335.1160.